Atlantic Spadefish

Atlantic Spadefish

Adults have flat, spade-shaped bodies with pointed dorsal and anal fins and a blunt snout. Adults are silver-gray with three to six prominent black vertical bands on each side of the body. Juvenile fish are usually black. Size: Atlantic spadefish…

Bank Sea Bass

Bank Sea Bass

Bank sea bass are easily recognized by their large mouths, tapering bodies with tri-lobed caudal fins, and by their color. Unlike the black sea bass, the bank sea bass is yellow-brown overall, and is marked with black blotches and spots.

Bighead Searobin

Bighead Searobin

Body brown to grey-brown; lower body white to yellowish white; 3 short oblique dark bars on upper body; pectoral fin brown with dark cross bars, green color at outer lower part of fin, free rays barred; spiny dorsal with a…

Black Drum

Black Drum

The black drum is a chunky, high-backed fish with many barbels or whiskers under the lower jaw. Younger fish have four or five dark vertical bars on their sides but these disappear with age. The bellies of older fish are white but coloration…

Black Grouper

Black Grouper

Black grouper have an olive or gray body, with black blotches and brassy spots. Their cheeks are gently rounded. Pale yellow or white margin on pectoral fins. Black Grouper can be found in coastal waters near structure. Juveniles can be found inshore. Adults…

Black Margate

Black Margate

The black margate has a deep, compressed body with a high back and a short, blunt head. The mouth is positioned low on the head, it is horizontal with fleshy lips and the jaws are equipped with bands of teeth on…



Bluefish are usually 20-25 inches long, but can get up to 42 inches in length. They are blue or blue-green along their back, fading to silver or white along their sides and belly. Bluefish have two dorsal fins, with the…

Bluestriped Grunt

Bluestriped Grunt

These almond-shaped fish are yellow with blue horizontal stripes, and grow to almost 18 inches long, but generally are found at 14 inches. They prefer mangroves, reefs or sea grass beds where they school with other bluestriped grunts and even mix…